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          Subiectul care mă frământă pe mine, este... Iubirea!!! Când iubeşti pe cineva, care este departe, de tine, simţi, ca nu mai poţi trăi... simţi că sufletul tău, se chinuie în singurătate şi dor. Eu ştiu cum este... Încă mai sufăr, după persoana, care mi-a stăpânit inima. 

           Atât de mult iubesc, încât, nu mai vreau pe nimeni altcineva, lângă mine. În visele mele, numai ochii ce-i iubesc, îi văd, altceva nu mai văd. Pe nimeni şi nimic... 

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Mixroash | 27.12.2020

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Thank you very much for the invitation

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How To Increase Your INSTAGRAM Followers For Free 2020 MAY

rardKerse | 17.04.2020

[url=]How To Get Free Followers On INSTAGRAM Fast 2020 APRIL[/url]

First, present your unique view of the world. Instagram is a place where you create and play your own lifestyle. create a strategy (that is, define your goals and methods by which you will take on them), and then consistently approve it by regularly publishing the content.
Check what photos acquire the most likes. Instagram users select illustrations in spacious tones, considering lightening filters, preferring blues rather than shades of red. You can apply filters from Instagram, but you can next use more powerful apps, such as Vsco, Afterlight or Snapseed, in which we will find a lot of good effects and editing options for our photos. The mobile (and free!) story of Lightroom - one of the best photo running programs from the Adobe suite - is afterward very popular.
Afterlight is actually quite a simple tool, but it contains every the valuable functions and as many as 74 alternative effects. One of the most engaging options is emphasize Tone, which allows you to slope occurring the blue color, which gives the photos a cleaner, fresher look. Snapseed, in turn, allows for selective settings in a selected place of the photo, which works great in situations where we want to focus the viewer's eyes upon a specific area of the photo. on the new hand, Lightroom will permit you to precisely get used to the brightness and saturation of the agreed color, e.g. by playing following the blue color slider you can make water and proclaim acquire a trendy turquoise shade.
Camera + is along with a good application (only for iOS). It costs $ 2.99, which is abundantly worth investing! It will permit you to get effects same to professional equipment. This application has been credited by get older and Wall Street Journal for making with reference to every shot look original and great.

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rardKerse | 01.11.2019

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Emil | 04.03.2017

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